weekly Argentine Tango class for Adults, LFT to be carried out prior to attending

Dance Styles: Argentine Tango, Salon Tango, Milonga, Tango Vals

Price: £8.00

Time: 19.30-21.00

After your 6 week fundamentals course you will be ready to come to our beginners / IMPROVERS CLASS where you will learn more about connection, musicality and etiquette of the social side of Tango.

Kislingbury village hall venue

Improvers+ 6 week Argentine Traditional Tango Course
Price: £48pp (equals £8 per class)

Classes will consists of a 45 minute class followed by a 30 minute Practice, the 6 classes will cover:
For the improvers+ course we continue our journey forward to focus on making our tango smaller and rotational.
We take elements from the foundation course and removing steps from between and with also adding three new sequences but making the space we used to implement
the sequences you originally learned even smaller by removing steps. Improver+ level
We specialise in teaching small space, rotational tango, as you progress on your tango jour

Address: Kislingbury Village Hall Ashby Court Bugbrooke Road Kislingbury Northampton, NN7 4JE Northampton Northamptonshire NN7 4JE

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Northampton Tango organiser

Argentine Tango

Website: http://www.tangonorthampton.co.uk

More information about Northampton Tango including other forthcoming events