Beginners EXTRA 10 week Swing Jive
Class run by Jive 'n' Boogie
Monday 10 February 2025 Running Today
For those who can swing jive, come and learn some cool new moves
Dance Styles: 1940s Jive, Charleston, East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Rock n Roll
Price: £90 Single Students £170 Couples
Time: 8.30pm - 9.30pm
Ticket Options: Ticket only (prebooking essential)
If you've completed our Beginners 10 week Swing Jive Course, or are comfortable with basic 6 count jive, come and learn some cool new moves. Or maybe you need a refresher. Either way, this is the course for you!
Fishbourne Church Hall venue
This is an excellent location for our Chichester Course, with it's own large car park, and a lovely wooden floor.
Take the old A27 [A259] at the Tescos roundabout towards Fishbourne. The turning to the Church hall is located on the left just after the turn-off to Del Quay.
Address: Fishbourne Road West Fishbourne Chichester West Sussex PO19 3XT
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Jive 'n' Boogie organiser
Providing swing jive classes and 40's & 50's dance nights in West Sussex and Hampshire
More information about Jive 'n' Boogie including other forthcoming events